Herald Changelog

The latest updates at Herald.

The changes below are Herald additions and updates that are backwards compatible. In the event of a change that may affect your integration with Herald, you'll be contacted in advance to ensure you have sufficient time to adjust. Read more in our guide to High Impact Changes at Herald.
Oct 3, 2024

Streamline quote-and-bind workflow with PDF extraction

Herald recently announced the launch of its Data Extraction feature to streamline the insurance quote-and-bind workflow by enabling brokerages to extract unstructured data from PDF documents—such as application forms—and integrate them into their systems

You can leverage the /data_extraction endpoint to post and retrieve data from PDFs that you upload via the existing /files endpoint. See step-by-step guidance here.

Note that /data_extraction is a beta endpoint. If you would like to request access to this beta release, please contact support@heraldapi.com.

Shareable links in HeRB

We’ve enabled customers to share links at every stage of the quote and bind process in HeRB. For example, you could easily share a link to a quote with your colleagues via email, or share with Herald customer success representative a bind application you need help with.

Additional feature enhancements and bug fixes

  • We’ve added customer and agent facing tooltips to the appendix, allowing customers to view tooltips in the /application endpoint response
  • We’ve simplified our /insurance_parameters relevance and combined identical conditionals for different products
  • We’ve removed a set of conditional parameters for a carrier’s EPLI product to stay in sync with carrier requirements
  • We’ve fixed a bug related to authorized vendor parameters for a Management Liability product
  • We’ve fixed a bug related to re-rate flow
  • We’ve fixed a bug related to a carrier’s MPL file failure in the new quote processor flow

Jul 22, 2024

New dummy products: BOP & MPL

We’ve provided access to two new dummy products, 1 BOP and 1 MPL. This allow customers to interact with our application and products without needing carrier approvals.

Features & enhancements

We continued to enhance our products to offer a better customer experience. This week, we:

  • Added default values for custom franchisee information questions in a certain cyber product application to ensure consistent broker experience across carriers
  • Included underwriter contact information for one of our cyber products
  • Enhanced a MPL product to stay in sync with new carrier referral responses

Bug fixes

  • We fixed a bug related to our default value settings that previously caused us to return unresponsives for a certain ML product
  • We fixed a bug related to our claims history question logic for a certain product to ensure that its customer experience is consistent with the rest of the cyber suite

Jul 15, 2024

Arch Management Liability Async Quoting

Asynchronous quoting describes when a carrier provides new information about a quote after the initial non-pending quote response.

Herald now supports async ML quote updates from Arch’s API. This update is part of Herald’s effort to ensure that async quoting is supported for all carriers that provide this feature for ML, and that Herald’s quote status always matches exactly to the carrier’s.

This means that when a non-pending status is received, Herald restarts polling or listening to webhooks to get any additional updates. Then, for customers using webhooks, Herald  notifies via webbook any time a quote status changes. Webhooks are supported for all integrations (see webhooks documentation here for more details). Customers can also poll GET /quotes/{quote_id} for async quote updates.

Update to ML Bind Effective Date Conditionality

We made an update to one of our ML products to allow for bind to occur on a later date than quote. The effective date is now an optional parameter for quoting and a required parameter for bind for this carrier’s application.

Cyber Liability Question Set Update

We updated our cyber liability question set to reflect a change in a carrier’s application and stay in sync with our carriers.

Jun 10, 2024

New Products & Features

Herald launched 2 new integrations, including 1 new Cyber Product (bringing our total supported Cyber Products to 15) and 1 new Miscellaneous Professional Liability Product (bringing our total supported Miscellaneous Professional Liability Products to 7).

We also added API support for additional Management Liability coverages: Fiduciary Liability, Crime, and Kidnap & Ransom, which, in addition to Director and Officers Liability and Employment Practices Liability, completes our Management Liability coverage suite.

Herald’s Cyber Quoting Got Faster

Cyber products were enhanced to process files separately from the rest of the quote. This delivers quotes significantly faster (sometimes up to 2 minutes), with the same files. This change also allowed Herald to scale our quote processing more effectively to meet client demand.

We also began rolling out this new quote processor to other products through a new process for managing High Impact Changes.

We Made Herald Error Messages More Readable

Previous error messages on Herald applications required developers to count parameters to find and error. We adopted a new pattern for this message that emphasizes human readability, for example, [.h-code]"For parameter rsk_14kt_insured_contact_phone, value length must be 10 characters long."[.h-code]