July 22, 2024

New dummy products & more customer experience enhancements

New updates and improvements to Herald's API.

New dummy products: BOP & MPL

We’ve provided access to two new dummy products, 1 BOP and 1 MPL. This allow customers to interact with our application and products without needing carrier approvals.

Features & enhancements

We continued to enhance our products to offer a better customer experience. This week, we:

  • Added default values for custom franchisee information questions in a certain cyber product application to ensure consistent broker experience across carriers
  • Included underwriter contact information for one of our cyber products
  • Enhanced a MPL product to stay in sync with new carrier referral responses

Bug fixes

  • We fixed a bug related to our default value settings that previously caused us to return unresponsives for a certain ML product
  • We fixed a bug related to our claims history question logic for a certain product to ensure that its customer experience is consistent with the rest of the cyber suite