Bind Application Statuses

The statuses used in the bind process

Bind Application Statuses

Bind application status indicates the completeness of the [.h-code]bind_application[.h-code] object and the readiness to progress to initiating the bind process for a quote. You can check the status of a bind application by calling [.h-code]GET[.h-code][.h-endpoint-link]/quotes/{quote_id}/bind_application[.h-endpoint-link] in field [.h-code]bind_application.status[.h-code].

Bind applications have the following statuses:

Status Description
incomplete The bind application is missing values for some or all of the required parameters.
complete Every required parameter has an acceptable value.
invalid Every required parameter has a value submitted, but some of the values are no longer valid.

For example, a bind application created on 2023-10-05 with a value of ”2023-10-06” for the effective date parameter will become invalid as the value violates the validation rule which is contingent on today’s date.

Bind Detail Statuses

Bind detail status indicates the progress through the bind process after the bind application has been submitted (the initial Policy creation). You can check the status of a bind application by calling [.h-code]GET[.h-code][.h-endpoint-link]/policies/{policy_id}[.h-endpoint-link] in field [.h-code]policy.bind_details.status[.h-code].

The bind process has the following statuses:

Status Description
pending Starting status for all bind requests. This status means that we are waiting on a response from an institution to the initial bind request.
requested Carrier acknowledges the bind request, but there are likely actions to take to progress.
accepted This bind order was accepted and a policy was created! The response will include the id of the policy to get more details.
unresponsive Bind updates from this institution are temporarily unavailable.

An accepted status communicates that the institution approved the bind application and provided a policy completing the bind process. Note that bind detail statuses do not communicate the post-binding lifecycle stages of a policy (ex. expiration, cancelled, etc).

Checking for Status Updates

The time it takes for an institution to communicate around the bind process can vary depending on the product. You can subscribe to the bind detail status webhook to receive an update when the status changes from pending and for all subsequent status changes.