Dynamic Application
Heralds Dynamic Application takes care of questions, conditionality, and maintenance.
Every application at Herald is comprised of a product (or multiple products) and the set of information a carrier requires to get a quote for that product. Building a front-end form to collect the correct application information is a complex task. Whoever builds this form must account for the following elements:
- Questions: The user is prompted with and answers all the required risk and coverage questions for the desired set of products
- Conditionality: Additional questions are shown according to conditional logic, like when a risk or coverage value is only relevant for a certain state or class code
- Validation: Risk and coverage values are provided in a valid format
- Maintenance: These elements remain up to date as carriers change coverages, questions, validation logic and conditionality over time
The Dynamic Application
Heralds created the Dynamic Application to remove the burden of those four elements from our users. You can us the Dynamic Application to create, fill out, and submit applications using [.h-endpoint-link]/applications[.h-endpoint-link]. The only thing required to create an application is at least one product, and Herald will return every relevant question you need to ask. As you submit answers to those questions, we’ll continue to return any new, conditional questions that have become relevant. See the specifics in our step-by-step walkthrough to create, update, and submit and application.
Every question, either a [.h-code]risk_parameter[.h-code] or [.h-code]coverage_parameter[.h-code], includes additional data to help you render them on screen and handle validation. All of the information we provide is documented in our guide to building a front-end application.
Features and Benefits

We manage the questions
Every carrier has a different set of questions, which can vary depending on the product. Using multiple products through the same carrier requires you to gather all the questions needed and build the logic for when to ask what. As you can imagine, a carrier may need to ask for square footage when quoting a Property policy, but not when quoting Cyber.
Creating applications within a single line of business isn't simple either. If you're hoping to offer something like General Liability across multiple carriers, each carrier will have unique questions. One carrier may ask 1, 2, or 10 more questions to generate a quote than another carrier, even for the same industry.
How the dynamic app helps:
All you need to do is send in the products you're looking to quote, and Herald will tell you which questions are relevant. Adding new products is a breeze.

We handle conditionality
Not all questions are created equal. I'm fact, the majority of risk and coverage parameters in our question library are conditional based on values like class code, state, or the businesses operations. There are hundreds of questions that are only relevant for certain class codes alone.
While all of this conditionality is documented in our Appendix, you're responsible for handling the logic on if you choose to build a static application.
How the dynamic app helps:
The Dynamic Application only returns relevant questions, which we continue to return as you tell us more about the applicant. As you update the application using [.h-code]PUT[.h-code], submitting information like the applicants class code or payroll, we’ll return any newly relevant questions. You’ll know when you’re done when you hit a [.h-code]complete[.h-code] application status.

We provide validation
Every question has its own rules around what values can be submitted. Some of these rules dictate if you should pass in a number or a string. But most questions have more detailed restrictions around what is considered a valid input.
- Multiple choice questions have a pre-defined set of acceptable values, such as the options Yes or No. Those values are extremely specific, sending in a lowercase letter when a capitol letter is required can cause an error.
- Questions regarding finances may minimum or maximum limits that can be submitted. Attempting to submit [.h-code]0[.h-code] for a field like payroll may not be acceptable.
- Coverage limits and endorsements are only available under certain conditions. For example, a [.h-code]50000[.h-code] medical expense limit may only be acceptable for certain carriers when the applicant is in a certain industry.
How the dynamic app helps:
Herald returns all of this information for each individual risk and coverage parameter in our scheme object. Multiple choice options are included as enums, minimum and maximum values are provided for numbers, and so on and so forth.
There’s no need for maintenance
Since the application is dynamic, you don’t have to worry about maintenance. If a carrier adds or removes a question from their application, it will be reflected in your application without any additional work. Don’t worry- it doesn’t happen frequently, and we’ll always tell you before a change is made.