Interact with a quote or policy by performing actions

Actions allow you to submit additional information to institutions after a quote or policy has been created. Institutions commonly request additional information after providing a quote or policy, and actions allow you to submit this information.
Some important notes about actions:
- Review Process: The information collected in actions tends to require a review. After submitting an action to the institution, it may take a few hours or days for the action to be reviewed and [.h-code]accepted[.h-code].
- Methods: In some cases, there are multiple methods available to complete the action. Read more about action methods.
Actions on Quotes
If a quote is returned with the [.h-code]referred[.h-code] or [.h-code]referral[.h-code] status, an institution may have additional questions or file uploads needed to attain an [.h-code]active[.h-code] quote. In these cases Herald will (when possible) add an action to the quote response.
After providing an [.h-code]active[.h-code] quote an institution may ask questions or require file uploads before a quote can be bound. Herald takes those questions and makes them part of a bind application. As a result it is not common for an [.h-code]active[.h-code] quote to be returned with actions.
Actions on Policies
After providing a policy, an institution may require you to pay for the policy, upload a file, or answer additional questions. All of these requests are communicated as actions on a policy.
[.icon-circle-blue][.icon-circle-blue] Herald currently does not support payments to institutions. All post-policy payments transactions are managed between your existing relationship with the institution.
In most scenarios, the actions that appear on a policy were agreed upon before the policy was provided. Some institutions will provide a policy (or a binder) with contingencies. This allows applicants to get coverage before providing all of the information required by the institution. For example, many institutions require a signed and dated copy of the application, which is then manually reviewed, in order to receive a policy. Since this review process can take time, some institutions will provide a policy before receiving the signed application. In this case, providing the signed application by a certain date is then listed as a contingency on the policy, and appears as an action on the policy. While this is just one example, it’s a fairly common one. Learn more about uploading signed applications.
Impact: Completing actions, or failing to complete actions, will have a direct impact on your policy. In most cases, actions on a policy have specific due dates, where failing to complete the action on time results in a termination of the policy. Using the example above, failing to provide a signed application by the due date can result in a termination of the policy. These timeframes can vary depending on the product you are using.
Using Actions
If actions are required for a quote or policy, they are communicated in the [.h-code]actions[.h-code] array. Incomplete actions will have an [.h-code]open[.h-code] status, and you can get the details of the action using [.h-code]GET[.h-code] [.h-endpoint-link]/actions/{action_id}[.h-endpoint-link]. Learn how to complete actions in our guide to completing actions. If no actions are required, the actions array will be [.h-code]null[.h-code].
And example from [.h-code]GET[.h-code] [.h-endpoint-link]/policies/{policy_id}[.h-endpoint-link]