Risk-Specific Coverages (Building Coverages)
Some coverages apply to the applicant as a whole, and some coverages apply to a subset of the applicants risks.
As we’ve discussed, risk and coverage parameters can have conditionality associated with them. In some cases, knowing a certain risk of an applicant can yield unique, risk-specific coverages. This is the case for buildings: Knowing how many buildings an applicant has (the risk) yields unique coverages for each building.
Applicants and Buildings
An applicant can have multiple locations, and each location can have multiple buildings.

Each building has a unique set of risks, such as its square footage, number of stories, and the year it was built. Similarly, each building has its own set of corresponding coverages. For example, and applicant may have 3 buildings at a single location. One of the buildings may be smaller than the others, and the applicant may want a lower building limit for this building.

Using Buildings at Herald
[.icon-circle-blue][.icon-circle-blue] Building Coverages are only relevant for BOP and Property products. If you’re not using these lines of business, you won’t have to work with buildings.
The risk and coverage parameters associated with buildings are a bit more complex than others. Buildings involve each of the relationships we outline in our risk and coverage parameters doc.
- Parent/Child Relationships: Each individual building is a parent to child parameters. As a risk parameter, an individual building is the parent of child risks such as the buildings square footage, number of stories, and the year it was built. As a coverage parameter, an individual building is the parent of child coverages, such as the buildings limit and BPP (Business Personal Property) limit.
- Multiple Values: Since an applicant can have multiple locations, each with multiple buildings, these parameters can appear multiple times. The parameter [.h-code]rsk_cy8h_building_by_location[.h-code] is for each individual building at a specific location. There would be an [.h-code]instance[.h-code] of this parameter for each building the applicant has.
- Conditionality: Building coverages are conditional on the presence of a building. For each building that the applicant has, a conditionally relevant building coverage is required.
The steps below outline how to use buildings and building coverages at Herald.
1. Submit Risk Values for a Building
To account for each building an applicant has at a location, Herald uses the parameter [.h-code]rsk_cy8h_building_by_location[.h-code] which is a child of the parameter for location, [.h-code]rsk_yor8_location[.h-code]. And as explained above, each building is also a parent to risks such as square footage.
For each building, the value of [.h-code]rsk_cy8h_building_by_location[.h-code] must be a unique value formatted as “building_#”. The first building should be given the value [.h-code]building_1[.h-code], the second would have [.h-code]building_2[.h-code], etc. If you’re using the Dynamic Application, Herald only provides 1 building by default. Adding more buildings is detailed below.
Here’s an example of how to format values for a building at a location. As you can see, Location is a parent of Building, which is a parent to multiple building specific risk parameters.
2. Submit Coverage Values for a Building
Building coverages are required for each building an applicant has. For each building, there must be a corresponding building coverage with the same value. If you submit a building with the value [.h-code]building_1[.h-code], you must submit a corresponding building coverage of [.h-code]building_1[.h-code].
If you are using the Dynamic Application, Herald handles this conditionality for you. As you submit a value for each building, Herald returns new conditional parameters for that buildings coverages, pre-filling the correct value. First, you would submit a value for a building at a location like this:
After updating the application using [.h-code]PUT[.h-code] [.h-endpoint-link]/applications[.h-endpoint-link], we’ll return the new conditional coverage parameters for that building, and automatically inject the correct value for the building. The response will now include:
Similar to how the risks associated with a building are children of the building, coverages associated with a building are children of the building itself. The parameter for building coverage is a parent of the individual coverages for that building, such as the buildings limit and BPP (Business Personal Property) limit.
Below is an example of the corresponding building coverages that should be submitted for a building.
3. Add Multiple Buildings
Since applicant’s can have multiple buildings and multiple locations, additional instances can be created using the same logic that applies to all [.h-code-link]creates_array: true[.h-code-link] parameters.
- If you are using the Dynamic Application, Herald only provides 1 building by default. Instructions to create an additional [.h-code]instance[.h-code] of a location or building are documented in our guide to using instances.
- If you are not using the Dynamic Application, you can include as many locations and buildings in a submission as you’d like, as long as each building has a corresponding building coverage.
Here’s an example of an application with multiple buildings, and the corresponding building coverages.