Quote Statuses
Learn how the status of a quote progresses
As soon as the submission is created you will be provided a [.h-code]quote_id[.h-code] in the submission response, with every quote beginning at a [.h-code]pending[.h-code] status. This status will persist as we communicate with the institution, eventually moving to:
- A Successfully Processed Status: Meaning the institution was able to process the submission and make a decision. That decision could be to provide a quote, which Herald calls [.h-code]active[.h-code], or to explicitly decline providing a quote, which Herald calls [.h-code]declined[.h-code]. The decision could also be to perform further review, which would be [.h-code]referral[.h-code] or [.h-code]referred[.h-code].
- An Unsuccessfully Processed Status: Meaning the institution was not able to process the submission. This could happen for a variety of reasons, such as the institutions API being down, or information not being submitted correctly.
You can check the status of a quote using [.h-code]GET[.h-code] [.h-endpoint-link]/quotes/{quote_id}[.h-endpoint-link]. Quotes can have the following statuses:
Checking for Updates
[.icon-circle-blue][.icon-circle-blue] Herald offers webhooks for quotes. You can set up webhooks to receive updates as the quote status progresses.
As stated above, the time it takes for an institution to review a submission and provide a quote can vary depending on the product. After receiving a quote with a pending status, you can poll [.h-code]GET[.h-code] [.h-endpoint-link]/quotes/{quote_id}[.h-endpoint-link] for updates on your quote’s status.
When an institution is able to automatically underwrite and price a quote, Herald will provide a non-pending status within a few seconds to a few minutes. Herald will attempt to collect information from an institution while a quote is [.h-code]pending[.h-code] for up to 48 hours at which time we will update the quote status to [.h-code]unresponsive[.h-code].
When an institution is not able to automatically underwrite a quote with the information provided in the submission, Herald will return a [.h-code]referral[.h-code] status indicating that the user must take action to trigger a human underwriter’s review. You can use the portal link to take this action.
Herald may return a [.h-code]referred[.h-code] status, indicating that the institution has sent this to a human for review. In some cases Herald will provide an updated quote status after human review—no additional actions is required. To learn about any updates to the quote status, you can poll or subscribe to Herald’s webhooks.
Not all institutions will show updates that underwriters make in their API, instead those updates will only be available via email. For all institutions that do make updates available via API, Herald will refresh status every 48 hours.