Heralds version of underwriting, rating, and coverage questions.

When requesting a quote or policy, institutions gather information on the business to determine eligibility and calculate pricing. With Herald, this information is collected in the form of parameters, which are relevant for applications and bind applications.
- Parameters in applications: Used to collect information related to the business’s operations, exposure to risks, desired coverages and contact information. This information is sent to an institution to request a quote.
- Parameters in bind applications: Used to collect any remaining information required to get a policy. This can include contact information, payment terms for the policy, and more. Information that was optional to quote typically becomes required to get a policy.
Types of Parameters
Every parameter is documented in our Appendix, but relevant parameters are provided dynamically through [.h-endpoint-link]/applications[.h-endpoint-link] and [.h-endpoint-link]/bind_applications[.h-endpoint-link]. These applications may contain some combination of [.h-code]risk[.h-code], [.h-code]coverage[.h-code], and [.h-code]admin[.h-code] parameters.
All parameters, regardless of the type of parameter, behave the same. Make sure to read about the relationships and complexities of parameters before creating applications. The set of parameters needed to get a quote or a policy which will vary depending on the product(s) you are using. Here are some examples:
Risk Parameters
Coverage Parameters
Admin Parameters
Using Parameters
Getting quotes and policies from any institution involves submitting values for risk, coverage, and admin parameters. Every individual parameter has metadata associated with it such as the products it is relevant for, the text to render on screen, acceptable values and validation…the list goes on.
If you are building a static experience, you’ll have to get this information from the Appendix. The appendix serves as our question library, listing each question and all of its associated data. However, you can get relevant parameters for the products you are using by creating applications and bind applications.
Let’s take a look at an example of how risk and coverage parameters are shown when creating an application to get a quote. You can create an application by submitting a product, or multiple products, to [.h-endpoint-link]/applications[.h-endpoint-link] like this:
The response would include all relevant parameters to get a quote for this product.
Read our full guides on creating applications and creating bind applications.
Parameter Metadata
[.icon-circle-blue][.icon-circle-blue] See our full parameter metadata at [.h-code]GET[.h-code] [.h-endpoint-link]/applications/{application_id}[.h-endpoint-link].
(this information is also available in the Appendix)
[.icon-circle-blue][.icon-circle-blue] Learn how to use these properties to build your application in our guide to building a front-end application.
Next up
The set of parameters needed to get a quote or a policy will vary depending on the product(s) you are using. Read about parameter the relationships between parameters and other complexities before creating applications.