July 15, 2024

Management Liability Async Quoting Support (and more)

New updates and improvements to Herald's API.

Arch Management Liability Async Quoting

Asynchronous quoting describes when a carrier provides new information about a quote after the initial non-pending quote response.

Herald now supports async ML quote updates from Arch’s API. This update is part of Herald’s effort to ensure that async quoting is supported for all carriers that provide this feature for ML, and that Herald’s quote status always matches exactly to the carrier’s.

This means that when a non-pending status is received, Herald restarts polling or listening to webhooks to get any additional updates. Then, for customers using webhooks, Herald  notifies via webbook any time a quote status changes. Webhooks are supported for all integrations (see webhooks documentation here for more details). Customers can also poll GET /quotes/{quote_id} for async quote updates.

Update to ML Bind Effective Date Conditionality

We made an update to one of our ML products to allow for bind to occur on a later date than quote. The effective date is now an optional parameter for quoting and a required parameter for bind for this carrier’s application.

Cyber Liability Question Set Update

We updated our cyber liability question set to reflect a change in a carrier’s application and stay in sync with our carriers.