New Quote Processor

This is an Upcoming High Impact Change

We try our best to avoid High Impact Changes, but as we grow we sometimes have to changed established patterns in our API. Read below to see how this change will improve your experience.

Release Timeline

June 3, 2024
New Quote Processor released to Sandbox for all products
August 30, 2024
New Quote Processor released to Production for all products

Feature: New Quote Processor

Herald is going to be providing quotes faster by processing files separately! This change will affect all products, and is already in our Sandbox and Production environments for our Cyber products.

Today (for non Cyber products), a quote finishes processing only after the last file becomes available. We’ve observed file processing times usually take from 1-2 minutes to process, with more complex files sometimes taking as many as 5 minutes. Separate file processing allows us to deliver the quote to you faster, while waiting for files to finish processing.

API Impact

This means that some files in a quote will start with the processing status, and progress to a status of  available after the file has finished processing. A quote may be initially returned with some files having the available status because your polling time allowed for us to gather the file before you have received the initial quote.

    "quote": {
       "id": "544c94d9-d1b6-49a9-aad6-97e3f8e5010b"
       "files": [
           "id": "a1cc3f33-4d5b-4f45-9d6e-4b7432e92d64",
+          "status": "processing",
           "text": "Application",
           "type": "application"

Take a look at our updated documentation on getting files.

Herald quotes that are successfully processed by an institution will always be returned with the exhaustive list of files. So when you get a quote, all supported files will be in the files array, but the difference is that some files will have the processing status.

We also offer a file_status_update webhook. This will allow you to get files as soon as they become available. Our file_status_update webhook delivers the same payload as our /files/{file_id} endpoint, which provides the file id and associated quote_id in the associations array. Learn more about our webhooks in our docs.

    "file": {
        "id": "a1cc3f33-4d5b-4f45-9d6e-4b7432e92d64",
        "type": "application",
        "format": "pdf",
        "file_name": "herald_application_05aefd0b-0dea-4c35-8248-7084cc7b247f.pdf",
        "text": "Application",
        "created_at": "2022-12-19",
        "size": 124212,
        "status": "available",
        "associations": [
             "object_type": "quote",
             "object_id": "a1cc3f33-4d5b-4f45-9d6e-4b7432e92d64"