June 10, 2024

More Products & Faster Quotes

New updates and improvements to Herald's API.

New Products & Features

Herald launched 2 new integrations, including 1 new Cyber Product (bringing our total supported Cyber Products to 15) and 1 new Miscellaneous Professional Liability Product (bringing our total supported Miscellaneous Professional Liability Products to 7).

We also added API support for additional Management Liability coverages: Fiduciary Liability, Crime, and Kidnap & Ransom, which, in addition to Director and Officers Liability and Employment Practices Liability, completes our Management Liability coverage suite.

Herald’s Cyber Quoting Got Faster

Cyber products were enhanced to process files separately from the rest of the quote. This delivers quotes significantly faster (sometimes up to 2 minutes), with the same files. This change also allowed Herald to scale our quote processing more effectively to meet client demand.

We also began rolling out this new quote processor to other products through a new process for managing High Impact Changes.

We Made Herald Error Messages More Readable

Previous error messages on Herald applications required developers to count parameters to find and error. We adopted a new pattern for this message that emphasizes human readability, for example, [.h-code]"For parameter rsk_14kt_insured_contact_phone, value length must be 10 characters long."[.h-code]