September 4, 2024

Introducing Parameters API (Beta)

New updates and improvements to Herald's API.

Parameters API beta release

Parameters are the building blocks Herald customers use to create applications for commercial insurance quoting and binding.

As a step towards providing our users with more visibility into Herald question sets and eventually enabling question set management, we recently launched the GET/insurance_parameters endpoint, which allows users to access Herald’s parameter information in a standardized, intuitive, and machine-ingestable format.

You can now send request to GET/insurance_parameters, and Herald will return a list of parameters and their metadata that the user has access to.

Note that /insurance_parameters is a beta endpoint and subject to change. If you would like to request access to this beta release, please email

Producer management & disablement

  • You can now disable producers and continue to manage entities related to the disabled producer.  The /producers API response now contains an “enabled” boolean which provides information on a producer’s status., which defaults to true if not provided. You can update producer status by sending a PUT or PATCH request (see below) via the producer’s endpoint to modify this value.
  • In conjunction, we’ve introduced the PATCH/producers endpoint, which allows users to update any producer fields editable via PUT and reduce accidental changes when disabling producers.

Bind in Herald Developer Portal (HeRB)

Developer Portal 2.0 is live

More features & enhancements

  • We’ve updated our integration with one of our carriers to support a parameter pertaining to occupancy types to be captured at the location level instead of policy level
  • We’ve made updates to a MPL product to reflect carrier’s filing changes by state
  • We’ve made enhancements to a ML product to stay in sync with carrier application requirements
  • We’ve made updates to time-based parameters for ML products to allow for more flexible enum inputs
  • We’ve added the ability to request bind order for a carrier’s ML product
  • We’ve fixed a bug related to the foreign location parameter for an ML product